Free culture evangelist, Otevřená města, hrdý uživatel open source software
@pirati-cz @otevrenamesta Prague
Kedrigern's Following
- Aktron
- datayja@devicemagic
- EremiellFreelancer
- golluxUnited Computer Wizards
- hellthCzechnia republic of corruption
- ins-pirat-ionTřebíč in Vysočina in Czech Republic in Europe on Earth in Universe on Internet
- jakubdusanek
- janaslo
- JanSuchanekPrague
- jitka
- jmichalekČeská pirátská strana
- lnovyRepublic of Free Internet
- martinnecCharles University
- nextghostCzech Republic
- pavellaukoPraha
- tiangoloBerlin, Germany