
This is the official COS 214 repository for the 2022 Overachievers project

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

Memento Mori | COS214 Project 2022

📋 Project Description

This project is a war simulation based on World War II. In the simulation you have two factions battling one another: the Axis and the Allies. The faction with the most countries conquered wins the war.

📝 Resources

💻 Installation

📦 Prerequisites

  • 📦 CMake - Version 3.22.0 Minimum on Linux
  • 📦 Git

💾 Cloning the Repository

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  2. Run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Multimedia-Overachievers/COS214-Project.git

🔧 Running the Project

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository.
  2. Install the dependecies that the project relies on:
make setup

*You will need to provide sudo privileges*
*If you are running WSL make sure you are on version 2 to allow WSL to create GUIs on windows*
  1. Run the project:

*Make will automatically run and compile the code*
*This might take a while on the first run because it needs to install the SFML libraries to compile*
  1. Run with google test:
make test
  1. Generate the documentation:
make documentation

Team Members

Profile Name Student Number Role Links
drawing Francois Smith u21649988 Team Leader image
drawing Keelan Matthews u21549967 Team Member image
drawing Ross Tordiffe u21533572 Team Member image
drawing Tayla Orsmond u21467456 Team Member image
drawing Thomas Isebeck u20446332 Team Member image
drawing Dhairiya Chhipa u21437841 Team Member image