
Exposes multiple rest api endpoints, which can be used to create a product, retrieve product(s), update and delete a product.

Primary LanguageJava

MyRetail: End-to-End POC for a Product's API

Exposes multiple rest api endpoints, which can be used to create a product, retrieve product(s), update and delete a product. This API aggregates product data from multiple sources (by the means of web services integration) and return it as JSON to the caller.

Technologies Used:

Technology Version
Java 8
SpringBoot 1.5.8
Flyway DB 4.2.0
Postgres 9.4.1212
MyBatis 3.4.5
Mongo 3.4.3
Spock Testing Framework 2.4
Groovy 2.4
Gradle 3.5.1

Steps to run the project on a local machine:

Note: Assuming Postgres and Mongo already installed

  1. Clone the project
  2. Update the application.yaml file under resources directory with respective Postgres and Mongo DB details.
  3. Run the MyRetailRestApiApplication, this will bring up the application and can be accessed via below URL:


Internal Resource hosted by myRetail to fetch product name details: http://localhost:8081/myretail/productNames/products/

End points:

  • GET: /products/ fetches all product details
  • GET: /products/{id} fetches single product details if found
  • POST: /products/ creates a new product
  • PUT: /products/{id} updates the product with new details
  • DELETE: /products/{id} deletes the product

For more details please refer to myretail-sepcification

The following actions can be performed:

  • Responds to an HTTP GET request at "/products/" to retrive all product details and "/products/{id}" to retrieve specific product details and delivers the product data as JSON, where {id} will be a number.
  • Example response:
    "id": 15,
    "name": "The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray)(Widescreen)",
    "current_price": {
        "value": 399.99,
        "currency_code": "CAD"
  • Performs an HTTP GET to retrieve the product name from an internal resource (http://localhost:8081/myretail/productNames/products/) hosted by the same application (http://localhost:8081/myretail/products/), which

    • Reads pricing information from a NoSQL data store,
    • Reads the product id and product name from the HTTP request and
    • Aggregates the both the data objects into one single response object in JSON
  • Similarly performs HTTP POST/PUT/DELETE opeations to create/update the product name from an internal resource and reads pricing information from a NoSQL data store and produces the single respose in JSON.