
This repository contains solutions to algorithmic problems presented in Projecteuler. Feel free to contribute in multiple languages and help each other understand algorithms well. This repo is intended for educational use only.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Projecteuler Solutions

This repository contains solutions to algorithmic problems presented in Projecteuler. Feel free to contribute in multiple languages and help each other understand algorithms well. This repo is intended for educational use only.

All problems are available here: https://projecteuler.net/archives


All the solutions are contained in the folder named solutions, and solutions to each problem is contained in the folder named problem-xxx (i.e. problem-001). Inside each problem folder, a markdown file is included along with a python script file. The markdown file contains the problem with the answer, and this file is named as problem_xxx.md (i.e. problem_001.md). A sample content of this file is shown below.


The script file will be with the programming language used for the script. Examples:

  • python.py
  • nodejs.js
  • java.java

The folder structure is given below.

|-- solutions
|  |-- problem-001
|      |-- problem_001.md
|      |-- python.py
|  |-- problem-002
|      |-- problem_002.md
|      |-- python.py
|  |-- problem-xxx
|      |-- problem_xxx.md
|      |-- python.py


All contributions are welcome.

MIT © keetmalin