
Simple social network

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a social network inspired of Twitter.

Users will be able to have their own profile and follow their firends. They will also can publish little messages with text (140 caracters), images (maximum 4) or a video.
Each user can fav (remember the twitter star ?) messages of other users and they can react to this message with emotes like in Discord.
This is the only thing users can do.

  • Personalise their profile with:
    • pseudo
    • a profile picture (pp)
    • a banner
    • a short description
  • Publish messages
  • See friends message
    • in a TL
    • on user profile
  • Follow their friends
  • Fav other user message
  • React to message with emotes

User profile

Each user have their own profile that can be personalized.


This is the user pseudo, he can change it when he want only if the one he choose is not already in use.


The user pp is an image. It can be a gif file.


The user can have his banner changed, it can also be a gif.


This is the user description he wrote himself.

Message publication

All user can publish message.
A message can only have 140 caracters or less. They can also publish 1 to 4 images or a video.
Message can be writen in html. In that case, html or css tag won't counted. Be carefull in what you'r writing because all message you write can be read by everyone on the internet.

Seeing messages

The TL (timeline)

The TL is where you can see all your messages and messages of users you follow. It's like the user home screen.

On profile

Self profile

An user can see all message he wrote and he like on his profile. However, other users can't see liked message by the user.

Other user profile

An user can see all messages of another user wrote on the profile of that other user. But the user seeing the profile can't see messages the other user liked.

Follow friends

All user can follow an other user. When users follow each other, they are becoming friends.
When an user follow another one, all messages of the followed user are displayed in the TL of the user which follow.
An user can see who he follow and who is his friends, but other users can't.

Fav message

All user can fav a message. That just mean the user like it.
The user will be able to see all messages he fav but other user can't.
The author of the message can see how many people fav it but not who.

Emotes reaction

All user have acces to the 50 defaults emotes of the web site.
They also can add their own emotes. Only the user which add the emote can use it to react on message.
Users are limited to add 50 emotes (that mean they can use 100 emotes, 50 of the website, 50 of them).
All user can react to any message with one of an emote the have.