
This is book management CRUD project for code test.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Books management CRUD project.

Visit live host Website (BIT-Book)[https://bit-book.vercel.app/]

Tech Stack

  • Next.js 14 (Use app router and server action for data mutation)
  • Postgresql (Database)
  • Tailwind + ShadcnUI (UI Component)


  1. New Book Creation Form: Users can create new books, including image uploading to cloud.

  2. Book Edit and Delete Form: Users can edit and delete existing books.

  3. Book Listing Page: Display existing books in a DataTable format that can sort, filter.

  4. Book List JSON API

    • URL for API endpoint with book list JSON /api/books.

Setup and Installation for locally

Firstly, install dependencies and setup env file like .env.example

npm install

Second, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev