
Ferramentas de SEO para Laravel

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Vinicius73 / SEOTools

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Warning! This package still needs to have its optimized test.

This package is a fork of https://github.com/Calotype/SEO

SEOTools is a package for Laravel 4 that provides helpers for some common SEO techniques.

##For Laravel 5 use artesaos/seotools


  • Ease of set titles and meta tags
  • friendly interface
  • Easy setup and custumização
  • Support OpenGraph
  • Support SiteMaps and SiteMaps Index
  • Support images in SiteMap


Composer / Packagist

Require the package in your composer.json.

"vinicius73/seotools": "dev-master"

Run composer install or update to download the package.

$ composer update


Just register the service provider and the facades in app/config/app.php and you are good to go.

// Service provider

// Facades (can customize if preferred)
'SEOMeta'     => 'Vinicius73\SEO\Facades\Meta',
'SEOSitemap'  => 'Vinicius73\SEO\Facades\Sitemap',
'OpenGraph'   => 'Vinicius73\SEO\Facades\OpenGraphHelper',


Run your terminal: php artisan config:publish "vinicius73/seotools"
The configuration files are available from: app/config/packages/vinicius73/seotools


Using SEOTools is very easy and friendly.
Recommend using the barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper that make it much easier to develop if you use an IDE like NetBeans or PhpStorm

MetaGenerator e OpenGraph

class CommomController extends BaseController

	 * @return \Illuminate\View\View
	public function index()
        SEOMeta::setDescription('Isto é a minha descrição de página'); // is automatically limited to 160 characters
		$posts = Post::all();

        return View::make('myindex', compact('posts'));
     * @return \Illuminate\View\View
    publicc function show($id)
        $post = Post::find($id);
        SEOMeta::addMeta('article:published_time', $post->published_date->toW3CString(), 'property');
        SEOMeta::addMeta('article:section', $post->category, 'property');
        // Vinicius73\SEO\Generators\MetaGenerator::addMeta($meta, $value, $name);
        // Vinicius73\SEO\Generators\MetaGenerator::setKeywords(['key1','key2','key3']);
        // Vinicius73\SEO\Generators\MetaGenerator::setKeywords('key1, key2, key3');
        return View::make('myshow', compact('post'));


By default SiteMapGenerator controller uses a model that aims to facilitate the creation of sitemaps.
Its use is not mandatory and may be used freely quelquer route or controller, you can disable it in the configuration file.

Criando controller para SiteMap

Change classrun in app/config/packages/vinicius73/seotools -> 'classrun' => 'SitemapRun',
You can map any class yours.

Remember to map the additional sitemaps you create by routes.php

class SitemapRun

	 * @var \Vinicius73\SEO\Generators\SitemapGenerator
	public $generator;

	public function __construct($generator)
		$this->generator = $generator;

	 * Run generator commands
	public function run()
    	return $this->index();
    public function index()
				  'location'         => '/sitemap-posts.xml',
				  'last_modified'    => '2013-12-28',
				  'change_frequency' => 'weekly',
				  'priority'         => '0.95'
        return $this->response($this->generator->generate());
    public function posts()
        $posts = Post::all();
        foreach($posts as $post)
            $images = $post->images;
            $element = array(
        			  'location'         => route('route.to.post.show', $post->id),
    				  'last_modified'    => $post->published_date->toW3CString(),
    				  'change_frequency' => 'weekly',
    				  'priority'         => '0.90'
            if ($images):
    			$element['images'] = array();
				foreach ($images as $image):
					$element['images'][] = $image->url();
        return $this->response($this->generator->generate());
     * @param $sitemap
	 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
	private function response($sitemap)
		return Response::make($sitemap, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/xml'));

In Your View


	<title>Title | SubTitle</title>
	<meta name='description' itemprop='description' content='description...' />
	<meta name='keywords' content='key1, key2, key3' />
	<meta property='article:published_time' content='2014-01-31T20:30:11-02:00' />
	<meta property='article:section' content='news' />
	<meta property="og:title" content="title" />
	<meta property="og:description" content="description..." />
	<meta property="og:url" content="curent_or_custom_url" />
	<meta property="og:image" content="full_url_to_image.jpg" />
	<meta property="og:site_name" content="Site name from config" />
