
A React library for giving opinion with advanced comment supporting mentions and emoji in contenteditable div

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A React library for commenting with advanced features using contenteditable div mechanism, that supports mentions and emoji interactions. Components and Emoji light dataset are separated from each others. If you only use 2 components that are 20kb compressed, then your bundle will only grow 20kb.

Comment Input:

Advanced React Comment

Comment View:

Advanced React Comment

Documentation, Demo & Playground (built with Storybook)


  • Comment Input
    • Core Input
  • Mentions
  • Emoji Picker
  • Comment
    • CommentHeader
    • CommentContent
    • ShowMoreText

Each feature has multiple components that you can use on their own and combine together. Each one has CSS Module that can be overriden with moduleClasses props.

N.B. : The Comment Input uses a Core Input component internally. And it can integrate existing Mentions selector and Emoji Picker features on rendering, so that you can integrate your own Mentions selector and Emoji Picker. The Comment component uses CommentHeader, ShowMoreText and CommentContent internally.

📖 Table of Contents

🔑 Installation

npm install @keiteldog/advanced-comment-input


yarn add @keiteldog/advanced-comment-input

💬 Comment Input

Why creating this package?

The first problem with advanced input is that you cannot insert HTML tag inside <input> and <textarea>. Some techniques allow to overlap an hidden colored mark to hightlight the @mention part inside <textarea>. In our approach, we used the Content Editable DIV which combines Text Nodes and SPAN Nodes like <div contenteditable>Hello <span>World</span></div> which is a kind of input that allows HTML tag.

When using the Content Editable DIV, the second problem starts when you can't reassign React State value to the input without losing the Caret position and having to put it back, which makes it difficult and unefficient for the traditional approach of passing state value to the div. That is because MDN and Broswers use their own little engine to structure the input in Content Editable DIV which can be strange sometimes. This package uses a Core Input component to control and limit unwanted behaviors of the Browsers' engine while texting.

How to use it?

You can use Comment Input with or without using Emoji Picker and Mentions selector containers. If you don't pass the props to render them, the Emoticon and At icons will not be there and the containers won't show up.

import {
} from '@keiteldog/react-advanced-comment';
import emojis from '@keiteldog/react-advanced-comment/dist/json/emoji-datasource-light.json';

export default function CommentInputTest(props) {
  // a state to clear the input at any time on each new number greater than zero
  const [clear, setClear] = React.useState(0);
  // User type is : { id: number | string, name: string, image: string }
  const auth = { id: 1, name: 'User 1', image: '/image-1-path.jpg' };

  const usersData = [
    { id: 2, name: 'User 2', image: '/image-2-path.jpg' },
    { id: 3, name: 'User 3', image: '/image-3-path.jpg' },
    { id: 4, name: 'User 4', image: '/image-4-path.jpg' },

  return (
      // as the User scroll comments,
      // you can pass more and more users to be availabe in mentions,
      // the Input will update and add them on the go.
      placeholder="Give your opinion"
      AvatarComponent={() => <Avatar user={auth} size={32} />}
      renderMentions={({ users, onMentionSelected, onClose }) => (
      renderEmojiPicker={({ onEmojiSelected, onClose }) => (
      onEmojiOpen={() => console.log('emoji opened')}
      onEmojiClose={() => console.log('emoji closed')}
      onMentionsOpen={() => console.log('mentions opened')}
      onSend={content => {
        console.log('comment content', content);
        // clear input if you want
        setClear(c => c + 1);

You can retrieve content from input in 2 formats using props contentType: 'string' | 'parts':

  • string like 'Hello {{1}}'
  • parts like { type: 'text', data: 'Hello ', type: 'mention', data: { id: 1, name: 'KeitelDOG', image: 'image-url' }}
Comment Input

If you want to edit a Comment, pass an initial value with initial mentioned Users if there is any mention.

  const comment = 'Hello {{2}} and {{3}}';
  return (
      initialMentionedUsers={[usersData[0], usersData[1]]}
      // ...
Styling using Custom CSS Module

The package uses CSS Module for styling, but you can pass a custom CSS Module classes in props to override one or many classes already defined. The class names are in Documentation and reference in HTML tags as data-class like <img data-class="avatarImage" />:


  .inputWrapper {
    flex: 1;
    padding-top: 2px;
    padding-bottom: 2px;
    padding-left: 6px;
    padding-right: 6px;
    position: relative;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    border: 1px solid green; /* change to green */
    border-radius: 10px; /* change to 10px */
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px green; /* change to green */

In component:

  import customClasses from './Input.module.css';
  // ...
  return (
      // ...
      // ...

Make sure you all the CSS attributes are reput under the class you override. List of CSS classes are provided in Documentation.

For all Props, see direct link for Comment Input Documentation: https://keiteldog.github.io/react-advanced-comment/path=/docs/react-advanced-comment-commentinput--docs

CommentInput Props
Name Description Default
auth authenticated user info if anyUser -
users Array of users to match against @ mention and filter while typing. User[] []
minLength Minimum characters allowing to validate the input. number 1
maxLength Maximum characters allowing to validate and block the input. 0 for no limit. number 0
placeholder A placeholder text to display. string -
initialValue Pass an initial text value in the input to be displayed. Useful if User want to Edit a comment. string -
initialMentionedUsers Initial list of Users mentioned in the initial value. Only use with initialValue prop if it contains Users. User[] []
showCounterAt Start showing Countdown counter from and below a certain number (including). number 30
blockInputOnMaxLength Block input from receiving new character when maxLength is reachedboolean -
mentionsLimit How many users can be mentioned in the comments. 0 is for no limit. number 2
textProgressType Provide how to display the text Progress, circle or bar. circle | bar bar
AvatarComponent Component for Authenticated User Avatar in needed. (() => Element) -
renderMentions Render the User mention list if needed. You can use internal Mentions component, or use your own component. Usage: <CommentInput renderMentions={({ users, onMentionSelected, onClose }) => ( <Mentions users={users} onClose={onClose} onMentionSelected={onMentionSelected} /> )}/>((props: RenderMentionsProps) => ReactNode) -
renderEmojiPicker Render the EmojiPicker if needed. You can use internal EmojiPicker component, or use your own component. Usage: <CommentInput renderEmojiPicker={({ onEmojiSelected, onClose }) => ( <EmojiPicker emojis={emojis} height={280} numColumns={8} initialCategory="emotion" onClose={onClose} onEmojiSelected={onEmojiSelected} /> )}/>((props: RenderEmojiPickerProps) => ReactNode) -
renderMentionsInDefaultPosition Render the Mentions list at default position, which is absolute on top. If not you will provide your own custom styles to display itboolean -
renderEmojiPickerInDefaultPosition Render the Picker list at default position, at bottom. If not you will provide your own custom styles to display itboolean -
onEmojiOpen Callback when the Emoji Picker is open. (() => void) -
onEmojiClose Callback when the Emoji Picker is close. (() => void) -
onMentionsOpen Callback when the Mentions list is open. (() => void) -
onSend* Callback on sending the Content back to parent. (content: string) => void -
lineColor Bottom line color for personalisation to match your Application theme. string #ccc in css
tagColor Color to highlight the tag for mentioned users. string #358856
clear clear input by passing any number greater than zero. You can increment for consecutive clearance. number 0
contentType Set which content type shoulb be passed in the onContentChange and onSend callback. String type is the normal and default one. Parts type is an object containing ContentPart objects like: [{ type: 'text', data: 'Hello ' }, { type: 'mention', data: {id: 1, name: 'KeitelDOG', image: 'image-url' }}]. 'string' | 'parts' string
moduleClasses A Class Module to provide to override some classes of the default Class Modules. { [key: string]: any; } css module
mentionParseRegex When passing an initialValue, you can provide a regular expression to retrieve the mention expressions containing the User ID if any. The regex should only match the first occurence, the algorithm will split and retrieve them recursively. N.B.: A Default RegExp is already providedRegExp /{{[0-9]*}}/m,
mentionToString Implementation to convert mention tag to unique string that identifies the user in the comment. N.B.: A Default Implementation is already provided. It is important to transform each tag in string to make the counting in total text length. For example, if User(10) is Keitel Jovin:<div>Hello <span data-id="10">Keitel Jovin</span> will be transfom to "Hello {{10}}". With mentionToString(10); // => {{10}} And "Hello {{10}}" will be only 12 chars, instead of 18 chars in "Hello Keitel Jovin" provided by the HTML Div input. An example of algorithm: mentionToString = (id: number |string) : string => { return `{{${id}}}`;}((id: string |number) => string) -
parseMentionId Implementation to parse the mention string to ID value. N.B.: A Default Implementation is already provided.When editing, an initial value can be passed. If that value contains mentions, like: "Hello {{10}} and {{747}}".You provide a regex like /{{[0-9]*}}/m and a match is found: {{10}}. Now you need a function to tell the input how to retrieve the ID in it. ((stringWithID: string) => string |number) -
onLengthChange Callback on each input and change to track the length of comment outside the component ((length: number) => void) -
onContentChange Callback on each input and change to track the whole content outside the component. Might be heavy if text is huge. ((content: string) => void) -
textProgressColors 4 colors to vary the color of the text length progression. { one: string; two: string; three: string; four: string; } -
EmojiIconComponent Render the Icon responsible to open the EmojiPicker if needed. An Icon is rendered by default. (() => Element) -
AtIconComponent Component for icon responsible to open the Mentions list if needed. An Icon is rendered by default. (() => Element) -
renderSubmitButton Render a custom Submit Button. A button is rendered by default ((props: { submitDisabled: boolean; }) => ReactNode) -
submitButtonText Custom Text that should appear in Submit Button. string Send
submitButtonColor Custom Color of the Submit Button. string #358856
forceDisableSubmitButton Should the submit button be disabled no matter what? boolean false
atIconColor Color of icon that open the Mentions liststring -
emojiIconColor Color of icon that open the Mentions list. string -
moduleClasses A Class Module to provide to override some classes of the default Class Modules.classes: commentInputWrapper, userInputComment, authWrapper, textProgress, textCounter, inputWrapper, editableTools, toolsLeftSection, toolsRightSection, tool, toolClickable, mentionsContainer, emojiPickerContainer, submit. { [key: string]: any; } css module
onMentionsClose Callback when the Mentions list is close. (() => void) -

🗣️ Mentions

Mentions component provides very simple user list to display while typing or when clicking the @ icon and then chose. It accepts callback onMentionSelected(id: number | string) and onClose.

Comment Input

For all Props, see direct link for Mentions Documentation: https://keiteldog.github.io/react-advanced-comment/path=/docs/react-advanced-comment-mentions--docs

You can pass your own Mentions implementation like this:

// onClose callback is not necessary since @ icon can open and close it.
// when you chose the user, you can close it too.
  renderMentions={({ users, onMentionSelected, onClose }) => (
      <img onClick={onClose} src="http://localhost/close.svg"/>
      {users.map(u => (
          onClick={() => {
          <img src={u.image} />

😀 Emoji Picker

The Emoji Picker component is very basic. We recommend you to use and integrate a more advanced Emoji Picker like https://www.npmjs.com/package/emoji-mart. We gave an example below on how to use it.

However, if you consider evaluating the default EmojiPicker, here is more details about it:

  • A light Datasource is provided, 1584 emojis : 255 KB against the original 6K emojis for 1.3MB in full size.
  • No Skin color selection implemented.
  • Limited to version 12 of emojis.
  • The datasource JSON file must be provided, you can use the existing one in the package, or provide your own, created from Emoji Data Sources like: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/emoji-datasource or similar.

If you provide your own Emoji source, bigger or smaller they have to match the Type:

type Emoji = {
  name: string,
  unified: string,
  short_name: string,
  short_names: string[],
  category: string,
  sort_order: number,
  added_in: string,
  [key: string]: any,

// example:
const emojis: Emoji[] = [
    name: 'DOG FACE',
    unified: '1F436',
    short_name: 'dog',
    short_names: ['dog'],
    category: 'Animals & Nature',
    sort_order: 534,
    added_in: '0.6',
Comment Input

For all Props, see direct link for Emoji Picker Documentation: https://keiteldog.github.io/react-advanced-comment/path=/docs/react-advanced-comment-emojipicker--docs

If you want to use Emoji Mart, here is an example:

import Picker from '@emoji-mart/react';
import data from '@emoji-mart/data';


  renderEmojiPicker={({ onEmojiSelected, onClose }) => (
      onEmojiSelect={emoji => onEmojiSelected(emoji.native)}
Lazy Loading (Ex: NextJS)

We also recommend to use Lazy loading to separate Emoji Picker code chunk from main bundle. With NextJS it will be like:

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const DynamicEmojiPicker = dynamic(() => import('./EmojiPickerComponent'), {
  ssr: false,
  loading: () => <span>loading</span>,

And EmojiPickerComponent.jsx would be a component file that import the Emoji Picker and the Emoji Data that you need.

💬 Comment View

After getting a comment from CommentInput like Hello {{1}} well done., it makes sense to be able to display such comment in the Application. Instead of waisting time figuring the algorithm to parse it recursively, you can use the base comment content: CommentContent.

The Comment View display a full comment by combining CommentHeader, and a ShowMoreText that wraps a CommentContent. The CommentContent component is the base part, as it allow to display content with mentions from string like:

const content = 'Hello {{1}}';
return <CommentContent content={content} />

or from ContentPart[] like:

const content : ContentPart[] = [
  { type: 'text', data: 'Hello World.' },
  { type: 'newline', data: '\n' },
  { type: 'mention', data: user },

return <CommentContent content={content} />

Usage for Comment (CommentActions coming soon):

import { Comment } from '@keiteldog/react-advanced-comment';

//... component function codes
const content = 'Earum velit et ut veniam {{3}} accusantium ea excepturi modi quidem. Sapiente eum repudiandae iste ut sed et et quis illo. A consequatur esse et. Tempore atque neque 🤷 est. Sapiente explicabo rerum dolorem. Natus 😢 minima doloribus voluptas. Nihil aspernatur mollitia et voluptates reprehenderit dolorem quibusdam aliquid culpa.\nOfficia eum et et molestiae accusantium suscipit itaque aliquam id. Omnis ea quis. Eum tempora nisi qui illo in aliquid exercitationem quaerat nostrum.';

    // date={date}
      date: '2023-12-16 12:30:00', minPeriod: 60
    AvatarComponent={() => (
      <Avatar user={auth} size={32} />
      <div>add Like, Dislike and Replie buttons</div>
Comment Input

For all Props, see direct link for Emoji Picker Documentation: https://keiteldog.github.io/react-advanced-comment/path=/docs/react-advanced-comment-comment--docs

Usage for CommentContent:

import { CommentContent, ShowMoreText } from '@keiteldog/react-advanced-comment';

//... component function codes
const content = 'Hey {{2}} well done 😃.\n\nI like the new App you made {{3}} 👍, pretty nice.';

return (
    <div style={{ padding: 10, border: '1px dashed #ddd', maxWidth: 480 }}>
      <ShowMoreText numberOfLines={4} expanded={false}
      // renderShowMore="More"
      renderShowMore={<span style={{color: 'blue'}}>Expand</span>}
          mentionedUsers={[users[1], users[2]]}

🔬 Core Input

The Core Input controls the behaviors of the input and keep things together and as stable as possible when inserting Emoji and Mention tags. You can use it at a base to complete your fully customized Input like:

import React from 'react';
import { CoreInput } from '@keiteldog/react-advanced-comment';

export default function CustomCommentInput() {
  const [textLength, setTexLength] = React.useState(0);
  const [emoji, setEmoji] = React.useState();
  const [mentionedUser, setMentionedUser] = React.useState();
  const [clear, setClear] = React.useState(0);

  // 0 for infinite
  const maxLength = 256;

  return (
      <div><span>Text length remained: {maxLength - textLength}</div>
        // 0 for not blocking input when maxLength is reached
        // initial values for edit
        // initialValue={}
        // initialMentionedUsers={initialMentionedUsers}
        // regex, parse and to string to customize mention tags conversion to string. See Docs
        // mentionParseRegex=\RegEx\
        // mentionToString={() => {}}
        // parseMentionId={() => {}}
        onEmojiSet={() => setEmoji(undefined)}
        onMentionedUserSet={() => setMentionedUser(undefined)}
        onMentionMatch={(usrs: User[]) => {
          // while typing: Hello @use
        onMentionedUsersUpdate={(ids: number[]) => {
          // to track list of user that has been mentioned if necessary to hide the Mentions selector
        onValidationChange={(val: boolean) => {
          if (val) {
            console.log('enable submit button');
          } else {
            console.log('disable submit button');
        onLengthChange={(length: number) => {
        onContentChange={(cnt: string) => {
          console.log('content change', cnt);
        onSend={(cnt: string) => {
      <div><button onClick={() => setEmoji('🐶')}>Add 🐶 Emoji</button></div>
      <div><button onClick={() => setMentionedUser(usersData[0])}>Mention User 2</button></div>
      <div><button onClick={() => setSending(true)}>Send</button></div>
      <div><button onClick={() => setClear(c => c + 1)}>Clear</button></div>

For all Props, see direct link for Core Input Documentation: https://keiteldog.github.io/react-advanced-comment/path=/docs/react-advanced-comment-coreinput--docs

🐞 Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • 18 Dec 2023
    • Add Comment to display full comment view, with CommentHeader, CommentContent and ShowMoreText: <ShowMoreText><CommentContent/></ShowMoreText>.
  • 10 Dec 2023
    • Keep SVG Components function name for Emoticon, At. Useful for testing with Enzyme shallow rendering.
    • Keep main Components function name in distributed codes. CommentInput, CoreInput, EmojiPicker, Mentions, Avatar. Their name will appear in Shallow test for example as <CommentInput ...> instead of <Component ... />.
  • 9 Dec 2023
    • Add React 18 as peer dependencies
    • CommentInput root div has now a CSS className for styling
  • 8 Dec 2023
    • Add React 16 and 17 as peer dependencies
    • Add Placeholder option in Input