Powered by Kejie-Wang
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kejie-Wang/dotvim/main/autoinstall.sh | sh
- node: see coc.nvim for installation.
- pynvim:
:help provider-python
- nerdtree: A tree explorer plugin for vim.
- taboo: Ease to set the vim tabline.
- vim-airline: vim status/tabline.
- a.vim: Quickly switch between source file and header file.
- coc.nvim: Lsp completion support.
- nerdcommenter: Comment.
- ultisnips: Ultimate solution for snippets in vim.
- vim-codefmt: Codefmt is a utility for syntax-aware code formatting
- fzf.vim: Vim fuzzy finder.
- markdown-preview.nvim: Preview markdown on browser.