Kat the Bioinformagician

I am a bioinformatian and computational biologist analyst at the Ohio State University Microbiology Department.

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My focus at the moment is in metagenomics; however, I love everything population genetics and evolutionary biology wise and may be willing to collaborate. Even if I may really wish to work on a topic with you, there is a chance I may have to decline as I can't take on more project then time allows for. If you want to do a collaboration, reach out and we can see if it is something that is in scope for my work. I will do my best to point you to resources minimally if we can't work something.

Current Projects

  • Creation of biological workflows and automization of data processes for 'omic datasets.
  • Updating the Phylogenize tool databases
  • Comparing genomic architecture of the Lactobacillus family.

Past Projects 2020-2023

  • The creation of a cBioPortal instance for the a project in collaboration with the Total Cancer Center
  • De novo Assembly including hybrid scaffolding with optical genome mapping and 3rd generation sequencing data
  • Development of data provisioning system for ingress and egress of large quantites of data (Terabytes)
  • Creation of biological workflows and automization of data processes for onco-related 'omic datasets

Past Projects 2015-2020

  • Development of statiscial software for BSA visualization
  • Development of variant ranking packages using human population databases
  • Analysis and esablishment of hybrid populations of Zea mays
  • Mapping population characterization and genomic archetecture in landraces of Zea mays

Current Stats

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