
a program that takes a file input.txt as an input containing a string and returns whether it is following a specific grammar or not.

Primary LanguageC++


A program that takes a file input.txt as an input containing a string and returns another file output.txt containing one or two lines:

  • The first line is: "YES" if the input is an element of the set Λ of lambda-terms defined by the following grammar: Λ ::= V | (Λ)Λ | \V.Λ where V is the set of non-empty strings build from latin letters and digits; "NO" otherwise. Notice that the ‘\’ character is used instead of ‘λ’.
  • If the first line was "NO", then there is no other line. If it was "YES", then the second line is the number of β-redexes of the input.

Example 1: input.txt (\x.x)(y) output.txt NO

Example 2: input.txt (\x.x)y output.txt YES 1