
Python UI project for Test Automation Course

Run Python Tests

How to run tests from one file

In terminal execute:

python -m unittest -v tests/your_test_file.py

How to run specific test (or test method) from test class

python tests/your_test_file.py YourClass.test_method -v

How to run all tests

python -m unittest discover tests "*.py" -v

How to make a PR with your changes into this repository

  • Fork repository in GitHub
  • From forked repository make a copy to your local machine
  • Create a new branch (use descriptive name)
  • Make changes (add tests)
  • Commit changes into the branch
  • Push changes into forked repository
  • Make a PR from your forked repository into this repo
  • Add reviewers
  • And send a message in our channel with a link to your PR
  • Note! If there are failures, please review logs and failed tests, and fix them!

How can I contribute to this repository

  • There are 2 or more ways to do it
    • Add more UI tests
    • Add test cases as a documentation
    • Improve current repository via adding a new functionality or posting any issues or ideas/improvements on issues tab