
an app to give you the best one minute pitches to make the best first impressions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


an app to give you the best one minute pitches to make the best first impressions

Built by Kellen Njoroge

Technologies Used

- Python 3.6
- Flask Framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript


An app that allows you to use that one minute of introduction to somebody impressive by giving you the best conversation starters

It has the following features

+ Allows user to see all the posts that have been made
+ Allows user to upvote or downvote an app
+ The user can sign up and login
+ The user should receive a welcoming email
+ They should also view their posts/pitches
+ Submit a pitch to any category
+ View different categories


This app was deployed in Heroku



This is a list files or directories for pitch app

  • /api - scripts implement actual api functions
  • /model - define model classes
  • config.py - configuration for the app
  • Procfile - heroku server configuration
  • requirements.txt - dependency file

Set up and installation

1. Clone or download the Repository
2. Create a virtual environment
3. Read the specs and requirements files and Install all the requirements.
5. Run chmod a+x start.sh
6. Run ./start.sh
7. Access the application through `localhost:5000

Known bugs


This project is licensed under the MIT License - License