Flask app that has subscription and logging in implimented
Built by Kellen Njoroge
- Python 3.6
- Flask Framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript
A personal blog
It has the following features
+ A writer can create, delete and update blogs
+ Allows writer to see all the posts that have been made
+ Allows user to upvote or downvote a post
+ The user can sign up and login
+ The user should receive a welcoming email
+ They should also view their posts
+ The admin can delete inappropriate comments
+ User should be alerted on the newest subscription
+ User should see the newest post
This app was deployed in Heroku
This is a list files or directories for pitch app
- scripts implement actual api functions/model
- define model classesconfig.py
- configuration for the appProcfile
- heroku server configurationrequirements.txt
- dependency file
1. Clone or download the Repository
2. Create a virtual environment
3. Read the specs and requirements files and Install all the requirements.
5. Run chmod a+x start.sh
6. Run ./start.sh
7. Access the application through `localhost:5000
Contact me on muthonkel@gmail.com for any more info
This project is licensed under the MIT License - License