
First version of the Parchot website. A temporary single-page website with services and projects, serving as a placeholder for the official website's release.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Parchot Website

This is the first version of the Parchot website. A temporary single-page website with services and projects, serving as a placeholder for the official website's release.


Screenshot of Parchot website


You need git and node.js on your computer before running.

Automated Installation

  1. ./bin/app-install for automated application installation

Manual Installation

  1. npm start to start the Webpack developer environment
  2. npm run build when finished to create a dist folder with all your website assets optimized and compressed.
  3. vendor/bin/phing make-public To transfer the contents of the dist folder to the public folder.

CSS Folder Structure

All CSS is contained in src/styles and compiled into index.scss

Included folders:

  • The Base folder holds styles that form the foundation and are applied globally.
  • The Layouts folder holds styles for page layout and large components such as the header and footer.
  • The Components folder holds styles for widgets and small components such as the menu button and dropdown.
  • The Pages folder holds page-specific styles.
  • The Utils folder holds sass files (variables, mixins) and other code that is not compiled.
  • The Vendors folder holds 3rd party code.
  • The Hacks folder holds code we're deeply ashamed of. Try to keep it light.
  • The Themes folder holds files that create themes such as changing the color scheme.
    • Do not use this folder to simply exchange colors (e.g. light and dark mode). Use variables instead.

Optional additions:

  • State folder that holds code specific to state, such as :hover and :active.
    • Use this if there's a considerable amount of state-based animations.
  • Animation folder that holds animations not triggered by state.
    • Use this if the site uses a heavy amount of animation spread across several .scss files.

CSS is imported into index.scss in this order:

  1. utils/
  2. vendors/
  3. base/
  4. layout/
  5. components/
  6. pages/
  7. themes/
  8. ...
  9. hacks/



Name the pages of the website in webpack.common.js
Keep adding more new HtmlWebpackPlugin({}) plugins if you're going to have a multipage website. Name the page appropriately with the title: key.