
A Financial service loan management system

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Project Documentation

A Financial service loan management system

Deployed on Vercel - loan-managment-app

Tools and Technologies:

React TypeScript Next.js Sass(SCSS)

State Management: Context API and useReducer

Testing Jest React Testing Library Cypress(End-to-End)

CI/CD GitHub Actions

User Experience Features Implemented

Login / Home View

  • Input Validation: Validates email format and minimum password length.
  • Password Visibility Toggle: Users can show/hide the password input.
  • Error Handling: Displays error messages for invalid inputs.
  • Form Submission: Handles form submission, including disabling the button during loading.
  • Local Storage: Stores user details locally upon successful login.
  • Routing: Redirects to the dashboard after login.

Dashbaord / Users view

  • Users Table: Displays a paginated table of users with various details including organization, username, email, phone number, date joined, and status.
  • Card Layout: Shows summary cards with user statistics such as total users, active users, users with loans, and users with savings.
  • Filter Functionality: Provides a filter button on each table header to toggle a filter card for refined searches.
  • Status Update: Allows updating the status of a user to "Blacklisted" or "Active" by clicking on an action icon in the table.
  • Loading States: Displays skeleton loaders when data is being fetched.
  • Error Handling: Shows an error message when there is a problem fetching the data.
  • Pagination: Implements pagination to navigate through the user data table.

Dashbaord / Users / user-deatils view

Get Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  • clone repository https://github.com/Kellswork/loan-managment-web-app.git
  • Navigate to the project directory.
  • CD into the folder
  • In your terminal, run npm install to install dependencies.
  • To run in development, npm run dev
  • check package.json for build and production commands

To Run Test

End to End Test: npm run cypress:open