
This is just a combination of gems and foreman script to start up my wink home automation with Amazon Echo for voice control.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is just a combination of gems and foreman script to start up my wink home automation with Amazon Echo for voice control.

Here is a video demonstration.



first clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/KellyMahan/MyHome.git

And then execute:

$ bundle

Associated Gems


First you will need to configure some ENV variables

here is an example of my ~/.bash_profile

export WINK_CLIENT_ID="*******"
export WINK_CLIENT_SECRET="*******"
export WINK_ACCESS_TOKEN="********"
export WINK_REFRESH_TOKEN="********"
export WINK_USERNAME="email@domain.com"
export WINK_PASSWORD="*******"
export WINK_ENDPOINT="https://winkapi.quirky.com"

export ECHO_EMAIL="email@domain.com"
export ECHO_PASSWORD="**********"
export ECHO_SERVER_PORT="4567"
export ECHO_SERVER="http://localhost:$ECHO_SERVER_PORT/command"

then to start everything up

foreman start


I plan on adding a web interface for wink as well. It will do some of the same basics that the app does but also allow for more sophisticated robot like controls and scenes that wink cannot currently do.