
seamless integration of websockets for realtime updates of rails partials.

Primary LanguageRuby


RealTimeRails gem to make actioncable as simple as a render call.


RealTimeRails gem to make actioncable as simple as a render call. This was an idea I had 4 years ago (check out the branch "old_final"). However making rails/websockets/servers/browsers/etc all work together seamlessly was a little too daunting and I didn't have the time for it. Now that actioncable is here I plan on resurrecting my idea by making it so people don't even have to know how actioncable works to enable real time updates for rails models. With most of the hard work done now with actioncable, I just need to write the helpers and hooks that make it possible.

Beta Usage

Add to your Gemfile

gem "real_time_rails"

Run the setup

rake real_time_rails:setup

in your models that you want real time updates

include RealTimeRails::ActiveRecord

Add this to your application.js file just above require_tree .

//= require real_time_rails

then in your view that you want a real time update. At this point partial paths must be full view paths.

render_real_time partial: "posts/post", real_time: {post: post}, element: "tr"

Start the cable server

bundle exec cable


Currently I don't have the controller loading into the project correctly. And I still need to find a way to load the channel code from the gem itself. There may be some other bugs but the test project is working. https://github.com/KellyMahan/RealTimeRailsTest


New work starts with 0.1.0

---------------------- old_final ------------------------

0.0.73 Added a config file option so the gem can be deployed on a server.

0.0.6 Firefox changed socket name to MozWebSocket, added code to handle this.

0.0.5 Added delete updates

0.0.4 Adding RealTimeRails server executable. start it with "real_time_rails"