A simple way of issue restarts, stops and starts for pow configs.
Pow is now adding in a web based admin that will be more integrated than what this application can accomplish. https://github.com/37signals/pow/tree/pow.dev
Future development will probably cease once the pow.dev branch is complete.
first install pow
curl get.pow.cx | sh
then install powadmin
git clone git://github.com/KellyMahan/powadmin.git
ln -s `pwd`/powadmin ~/.pow/powadmin
restart pow
and open your browser to http://powadmin.dev
The plan is to add on to some more functionality, such as installing a new project to pow and removing a project from pow. Also to improve on the design so it isn't just a block of text.
But first i just wanted to get this out there to get some feedback.