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ruby-tmdb3 is an ActiveRecord-style API wrapper for TheMovieDB.org (TMDb). ruby-tmdb3 uses tmdb’s API v3 and is designed to streamline common tasks associated with finding information about movies and cast members.
For ease of use ruby-tmdb3 is packaged as a Rubygem. Installing it is as simple as:
gem install ruby-tmdb3
Ruby 1.8.x & 1.9.x (2.0.x experimental)
require 'rubygems' require 'ruby-tmdb3' # setup your API key Tmdb.api_key = "t478f8de5776c799de5a" # (optional) setup your base url. This is provided for testing purposes by apiary.io when logged in. # They provide a request and response log you can view from the web. Tmdb.base_api_url = "http://private-xxxxx-themoviedb.apiary.io/3" # setup your default language Tmdb.default_language = "en" # change your rate limit. Default is 0.34 Tmdb.rate_limit_time = 0.34 @movie = TmdbMovie.find(:title => "Iron Man", :limit => 1) # => <OpenStruct> @movie.title # => "Iron Man"
There are 3 main methods you can use to get information about movies and cast members:
Find information about an individual movie, or a set of movies that share a similar title, eg:
TmdbMovie.find(:title => "fight club", :limit => 10, :expand_results => true, :language => "en")
- :id
Specifies an individual movie via it’s TMDb id
- :title
Specifies a query string to look for in the movie titles
- :imdb
Specifies an individual movie via it’s IMDB id
- :limit
Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned
- :expand_results
The TMDb API by default returns only partial info for any API method that can return multiple results. When :expand_results is set to true ruby-tmdb3 automatically makes extra API calls to fetch the full information for each item. This can result in very slow requests though. If you only need basic information for a search listing then set this to false. Defaults to ‘true’.
- :language
Allows you to override the default API language on a per-query basis.
You must supply at least one of :id, :title, or :imdb. All other parameters are optional.
- :id
Specifies an individual movie via it’s TMDb id
- :rating
What you want to set the rating to.
- :session_id
(optional) If you don’t have a session id it will be provided after the first requet. One session_id should be used per user.
status_code, session_id, message = TmdbMovie.set_rating(1, 7.9) > status_code => 1 > session_id => "1234" > message => "success" status_code, session_id, message = TmdbMovie.set_rating(2, 7.9, session_id: "1234") > status_code => 1 > session_id => "1234" > message => "success"
Find information about an individual cast member, or a set of cast members sharing similar names, eg:
TmdbCast.find( :id => 123, :name => "Brad", :limit => 1, :expand_results => true)
- :id
Specifies an individual cast member via their TMDb id
- :name
Specifies a query string to look for in the cast names
- :limit
See TmdbMovie
- :expand_results
See TmdbMovie
- :language
See TmdbMovie
You must supply at least one of :id or :name. All other parameters are optional.
TmdbList is a class with 5 main methods
list = TmdbList.upcoming list = TmdbList.now_playing list = TmdbList.top_rated list = TmdbList.popular list = TmdbList.changes
Each method except changes has an optional page and language arguments.
list = TmdbList.popular(2,"EN")
TmdbList.changes only has an options hash and the TmdbList:Movie objects are only populated with an id.
list = TmdbList.changes({page: 1, start_date: '2012-03-25', end_date: '2012-03-25', language: 'EN'})
- :page
Each page returns 100 results
- :start_date
Sets the start date for when a change occured
- :end_date
Sets the end date for when a change occured
- :language
See TmdbMovie
All parameters are optional. The defaults are {page: 1, start_date: Time.now.strftime(“%Y-%m-%d”), end_date: (Time.now+60*60*24).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d”), language: “EN” }
A TmdbList instance has theses accessors
attr_accessor :page, :total_pages, :total_results, :movies_data, :movies
And these methods
list.movie_ids #mapped array of movie id's
an array of tmdb movie ids.
the original json data returned from tmdb.
an array of TmdbList::Movie objects.
A TmdbList::Movie object has these accessors.
attr_accessor :backdrop_path, :id, :original_title, :release_date, :poster_path, :title, :vote_average, :vote_count
Find all movies whose titles match a given string:
@movies = TmdbMovie.find(:title => 'Iron Man')
Find the movie most likely to be associated with a given title:
@movie = TmdbMovie.find(:title => 'Sin City', :limit => 1)
Find a single movie by it’s TMDb ID:
@movie = TmdbMovie.find(:id => 187)
Find a single movie by it’s IMDB ID:
@movie = TmdbMovie.find(:imdb => 'tt0401792')
Find all cast members whose names match a given string:
@actors = TmdbCast.find(:name => 'Fred')
Find an individual cast member via their TMDb ID:
@actor = TmdbCast.find(:id => 101)
Get the info for a movie in French:
@movie = TmdbMovie.find(:title => 'Sin City', :limit => 1, :language => "fr")
ruby-tmdb3 is maintained to work under Ruby 1.8.x & 1.9.x. Please make sure it works under both.
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To find out more about the information each object offers on retrieved items have a look at the TMDb API Docs. For the most accurate information about the information available have a look at the data directly through ruby-tmdb3 by calling @item.raw_data.inspect
- Authors
- Contributors
Alex Hayes, Alvaro Pereyra Rabanal, Linus Oleander, aristides, Robin Boutros, Loïc Guitaut
Copyright © 2012 Irio Irineu Musskopf Junior (irio.posterous.com)
Copyright © 2010 Aaron Gough (thingsaaronmade.com), released under the MIT license