MemoryCache Labs


Learn Time: Experiments with cache in-Memory.


The main goal of this experiment is to demonstrate how using in-memory caching can improve performance and efficiency when loading a list of board games. The experiment will fetch data from an external data source consisting of a list of board games, including information such as game id, name and Ludopedia link. By implementing an in-memory caching system, my intention is to speed up access to this data, minimizing query time and increasing API responsiveness.

Key Features

Next steps

  • Increase test code coverage


The project requires .NET 6.0.

Compatible IDEs

Tested on:

  • Rider 2023.2.2

Useful commands

From the terminal/shell/command line tool, use the following commands to build, test and run the API.

  • Enable User-Secrets
# From the MemoryCache.Labs.API root

dotnet user-secrets init

# To generate a secret read the ludopedia API docs above.
dotnet user-secrets set "LUDOPEDIA_SECRET" "xyz@123#456"
  • Build the project

dotnet build
  • Run the tests

# Note: During my experiments ( March, 2023 ) the .NET7 had issues to execute this command.
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura

Code Coverage report

# Install the ReportGenerator
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
# Generate reports
reportgenerator -reports:"**/**/coverage.cobertura.xml" -targetdir:"coveragereport" -reporttypes:Html