AMS means attendance management system. Here there is an admin who can add and remove teacher and student from the website. Teacher can add attendence of a perticular subject and student can see their attendance daily.

Primary LanguagePHP

AMS (Attendance Management System)

Attendance management system is for managing the attendance of students online. Teacher can add attendance of students date wise and students are allowed to see their attendace whenever they want.

There are three types of acconts. Admin account, teacher and student account.

Admin Account

Admin can add or remove users and subjects. Users can be a student or teacher. Teachers and subjects relation is also taken care by admins. Admin is the main person of this AMS.

Teacher Account

Teacher will add the attendance for a perticular subject and date. Teacher has to select the date then have to add attendance by selecting eaither 1 or 0.

Student Account

Student can see the percentage of a perticular subject's attendance and can also see their datewise attendance. If a student is present then 1 will be printed and for absent student 0. If teacher hasn't inserted attendance yet, then that place will be marked as 'x'. Every user(student, admmin, teacher) can change theeir passwords.

Used Technologies
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • W3.CSS