
A C++ application for managing daily events.

Primary LanguageC++

Diary Notes Application


This diary enable user to record events on multiple titles.

This program probably only works on Windows, since the file-managing API is Windows related.


Explain by using examples should be a good idea.

The user first create titles: Vacation, Work, Family. Then, record event on Vacation. Say the event has a summary title "Camping", then he recorded the detail of the event as follow:

    Today is a sunny day,
I brought my wife and children for a relaxing camping at XXX site.
It is a memorial day before I return to the boring work tomorrow.

The recorded event can be found in data/ folder. The file is saved as {Title}_{Unix_second}.txt. However, when view contents of the diary, the Unix_second will be changed to human-readable form.


The user can create new event, view existing events and edit existing events. The csv file events.csv acts as a master file to record main details of the events. The LastEdtit column record the Unix-second time for where the user last created/edited the textfile. The Time column record whenever the textfile first recorded, hence will not be changed after edit.

Update on 8 Aug 2021: Events deletions have been added in the features.

Currently, the application doesn't support filtering and sorting functions. They might be included in later updates.

The Author

Hi, My name is Hong Khay Boon, currently a fresh Bachelor graduate as Math major in Malaysia. This is my first git repo (I hope this is the correct wording) of my projects, it is primarily served as a tool for me to familiar with GitHub functions. I will keep updating on this software, while working on some future projects about AI and machine learning. Thank you!