
A recommendation system based on MovieLens dataset. Still under development.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Recommendation System for MovieLens data

The data can be downloaded from here, see the "Recommended for Education and Development" section. Unzip the data and it should looked like below:

├── ml-latest-small
|   ├── links.csv
|   ├── movies.csv
|   ├── ratings.csv
|   ├── README.txt
|   └── tags.csv
├── README.md
└── ...

Understand the data

The movies.csv file has 3 columns. It consists of the Movie's id, its title and its genre. Note that a movie can belongs to multiple genres, where genres are seperated by pipes | in the file. Some of the movie titles has double quotes on both ends, some do not, regardless of whether there is whitespace in the title. Moreover, it seems very consistently there will be the release year of the movie at the end of the movie title, in parentheses.

The links.csv file has 3 columns. It consists of the Movie's id, and its corresponding ids in IMDB and TMDB database. To utilize the ID's, view TMDB API and Guide for IMDB ID.

The tags.csv file has 4 columns. It consists of the User ID, Movie ID, Tag, and timestamp. It represent the time (timestamp) when a single user assign a tag he/she seems relevant to the movie.

The ratings.csv file has 4 columns. It consists of the User ID, Movie ID, rating, and timestamp. Rating is a float from 1 to 5, often by 0.5 increment.


Python 3.9 or above is required, there are two ways to configure your system before running any scripts.

[Kindly note that running all files in this repository will use up to 1GB of your machine storage. See the storage break-down in each subsection below.]

Virtual Environment (Recommended)

Open a terminal, install virtual environment by pip:

pip install virtualenv 

Then inside the working directory, start a virtual environment:

virtualenv venv

You will notice a directory venv/ is created. Choose the venv/ virtual environment for the terminal:

# Windows
# Linux
source venv/bin/activate

Install required packages by

pip install -r requirements.txt

[Using Virtual Environment will used up to 340Mb of disk storage]

Install packages directly (For experienced developers)

If you're a Python developer like me who is interested in machine learning, you probably already have most of the packages installed. In case you don't mind adding a few more packages to your computer, run the install script below directly:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you're ready to go.

Analyze the data

Run analyze.py after downloaded all necessary CSV files. It will gives a summary of the data.

We found that in links.csv, the column tmdbId has 8 missing values out of 9742. Therefore, it is safe to just remove them without affecting the quality of the model.


Run main.py to calculate similarities with various methods based on users and items. Currently Cosine similarity, Pearson Correlation and KNN are implemented.

After running

python main.py

, see ./output/ for the output data. All of the required data can be generated by simply running main.py, the data can then be reused in other scripts.

[After running the script, the ./output/ directory will consume up to 700Mb of disk storage.]


Here we have several applications using the results of computation above.

K-Nearest Neighbors for Movies

This application is to recommend similar movies to the chosen movie. The underlying logic is to use user ratings as a basis to calculate the distance between different movies, then find the nearest movies to the chosen movie (hence the name, nearest neighbors).

Based on our experiments, this KNN techniques did suggest related movies based on their genres. Feel free to play around on your own!


python KNN_interactive.py

Then a GUI will show up. Enter some integer, which refers to the movie's ID and shows its title besides it. Then, click on a button with movie's ID to see the other 4 movies related to it, alongside with its genres.

Sample GUI

You can click the button to view the movie website in IMDB. For example, clicking on the "Gunner Palace" will direct you to this website:

Gunner Palace

You can also click on the genres buttons to view related movies. Clicking on the "Documentary" button will lead you to this website:

Documentary Genre

Based on the analyzed data, we didn't found any missing value in the imdbId column of links.csv, which is the file we used to access the IMDB website, hence the link should be correct.