
Automated Tools for Crypto Arsenal 2021 NTU & NTHU Competition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Crypto Arsenal WebCrawler

Automated Tools for Crypto Arsenal 2021 NTU & NTHU Competition

⚠️ We are opposed to any improper use of this program to harm Crypto Arsenal.⚠️
In no event shall we be liable for any special indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from this program.
KEEP CALM AND WRITE CODE:chart_with_upwards_trend:


  1. Install Python language bindings for Selenium WebDriver.
    pip install selenium
  2. Install Chrome driver according to your Chrome version.
  • Directories structure
        \email-password.txt (optionally, you should make this txt file by youself)


  • Import the crawler module:
    from Fintech import crypto_arsenal_crawler
  • Open Crypto Arsenal with your email address and your passward:
    run = crypto_arsenal_crawler(email-address, passward)
  • Open all of the strategies on the website and get a list of all strategies:
  • Run backtest on one of the strategies:
    run.backtesting(strategies, start_date, end_date, exchange, pairs, amount)
    For example, run.backtesting("RSI14v2", "2021/3/30", "2021/4/30", "BINANCE", "BTC-USDT", 100000)
    • Please use something like time.sleep(1) to slow down the process when running lots of backtest.
  • Get all records of backtesting:
  • Remove all records of backtesting:
  • Also, you can follow runner.ipynb to learn how to use the crawler.
