
A docker image for a simple C++ environment for building and running linux programs

The UnlicenseUnlicense


A Ubuntu based docker image for a simple C++ environment for building and running Linux C++ programs.

Originally designed for CS students without Linux boxes who need a basic Linux environment for schoolwork. This allows someone to mount their source code from the host machine to a Linux mini VM. So a developer writes code in their favorite editor on the host machine and use a Docker Linux terminal to build and run apps. A lightweight alternative to a full VM or dual booting.

Create the interactive container

# init docker container
docker run -it -d -v /path/to/host/projectfiles:/path/in/container --name cppenv kelvinrr/cpp-env
# connect to bash shell in container
docker attach cppenv
Disconecting from the container

Use ^P^Q to exit without stopping the container, otherwise ^D

Reconnect after docker run

# start container if stopped
docker start cppenv
docker attach cppenv

Accessing services running inside the container

If you need to run a service (i.e. some kind of server), ports 7000-8000 are exposed by default. Additional ports can be exposed with the standard -p flag on docker run.

# expose an additional port for PostgreSQL
docker run -it -d -p 5432:5432 kelvinrr/cpp-env