

  • C++ 20
  • Clang++ 15
  • CMake 3.14.0 or above

Build and execute

Ninja build

mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ../cpp-dev-test -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
ninja install -j 4

Make build

mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake ../cpp-dev-test -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
make install -j 4

The binaries and the binary schema will be in the source folder, under cpp-dev-test/bin/bin

Run the TCP Server

cd cpp-dev-test/bin/bin
./TCPServer <port-number> <binary-schema-file>

Run the TCP Client

cd cpp-dev-test/bin/bin
./TCPClient <port-number> <binary-schema-file>