
Windoof, if something breaks and you need to reinstall, take my Setting, i will try to keep it as simple as eating cheese cake.

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Windoof! If something breaks and you need to reinstall, take my Setting, i will try to keep things as simple as eating cheese cake.

What do you need

For whom will this setup

Consider programs included in this setup try to satify the needs of:

So what is getting installed?


Design Tools

Unfortunatly Programs like Photoshop, or Afinity Photo are excluded from this setup, because their unavailable for free download.


Partitioning & Locations ( Recommandation )

Short Disclaimer: I love organisation and hate to search my butt flat, So this Setup recommands a subjective architecture, which might not hit your needs.

  • C: (Place for: )
    • Windows per se
    • Development Environment: User/Code
    • WebServer Root User/Code/Webdev/www
  • D: ( Thirdparty Software/Apps/Programs )
  • E: ( Gaming )

Information: Webserver

Apache2- and MySQL-Services are initiated on ConEmu startup.


In the oh-my-env.sh in your Ubuntu $HOME directory you find functions which start, restart and stop the installed apache2 and mysql server.

  • webserver-start
  • webserver-restart
  • webserver-stop


You ma recognize that the usual Directory-Indexing desing looks different, this was achiev through a little porject called fancy-index, which adds icons and a stylesheet to the index.

Before a fresh installtion

  1. Check your personal files
  2. Store Passwords
  3. Check Browser settings and bookmarkes
  4. Backup your Game-setups & -settings & -profiles

After a fresh installtion

  1. Update your System to the highest
  2. ( If Nvidia ) Download Nvidia Geforce Experience
    • Install newest drivers
  3. Go to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Update and Security’ -> ‘For developers’: Enable ‘Developer mode’
  4. Execute the Windows Download & Execute bootstrap command below
  5. Execute bootstrap-windows.ps1 in powershell.exe as Admin
  6. Install Ubuntu from the Microsoft App
  7. Run Ubuntu, you will be asked to create user. Close Ubuntu after the creating a user.
  8. Make sure that your clock is in sync with th global clock, otherwise ubuntu updates will fail
    • You can do this in your bios
  9. Run ConEmu
    1. Make sure the Command textbox contains something simular to this:
      • set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -cur_console:pm:/mnt
    2. The Ubuntu bash shell should be started
    3. Change to HOME directory cd $HOME
  10. Install unzip sudo apt install unzip
  11. Execute wget https://github.com/Kemmojo/dotfiles-windows/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && mv dotfiles-windows-master dotfiles && rm master.zip && cd dotfiles && sh bootstrap-wsl.sh
  12. If you are beeing asked, to change the default shell, confirm with y[Yes] and Enter
  13. After oh-my-zsh installation, execute sh $HOME/dotfiles/bootstrap-wsl.sh
  14. Run nvim, if the setup seems stuck, type :q to exit, and again to exit out of neovim
  15. Restart ConEmu and check which shell you are using by default via ps -p $$, if it says zsh everything is fine
  16. Follow the Finishing moves section

Windows Download & Execute bootstrap command

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass; `
Invoke-WebRequest "http://github.com/Kemmojo/dotfiles-windows/archive/master.zip" `
-OutFile "$HOME\Downloads\dotfiles-windows.zip"; `
Get-ChildItem "$HOME\Downloads\" -Filter *.zip | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath "$HOME" -Force; `
Rename-Item -NewName "dotfiles" -Path "$HOME\dotfiles-windows-master"; `
. "$HOME\dotfiles\bootstrap-windows.ps1"

Finishing moves

In order to setup non automativ processes and check out if everyting works as expected, checkout the following list. If none show you any errors your setup if perfecly installed. If your´re getting error, try to figure out what they say, by googling them, but most of them should show you a direct solutions imidiatly.

  1. Of cource try reaching for all installed Applications, sometimes apps dont get installed, for instance, because of missing mirrors
  2. For dircolors execute setupsolarized, make that l command beautiful
  3. Execute bat in ConEmu
  4. Execute fzf in ConEmu
  5. Execute nvim or vi, even v should work, to open Neovim in ConEmu
  6. Execute php -v in ConEmu
  7. Execute mysql -v in ConEmu
  8. Execute laravel in ConEmu
  9. Execute node -v in ConEmu
  10. Execute npm -v in ConEmu
  11. Execute vue in ConEmu
  12. Execute webserver-start in ConEmu in order to start apache2 and mysql, if they aren´t running already

Inspiration from ( Credit )