
A basic Tic-Tac-Toe website

Primary LanguageCSS

Tic-Tac-Toe MVP

This is a minimum viable product for a tic-tac-toe webapp.

Minimum Browser Support:

Requiring BabelJS es2015 plugin, can be transpiled to work for IE9 and above. Avoided non-transpilable ES6 native methods such as Array.from()

Minimum Functionality:

HTML, CSS carry the major functionality via the form element and the checkbox input types. Player turn handling and board reset are handled via Javascript. Adding a submit button for the form could automatically integrate with a server-side implementation for a true two-player, non-javascript webapp.

Progressive Enhancement Opportunities:


  • Animations to drop in the pieces from the perspective of the user. ( Left out due to delay in interaction )
  • Replace the background image with an SVG filter ( To be worked on over time )
  • Drag and Drop functionality ( Left out due to desktop-centric UX )


  • Check for win condition
  • Keep track of score over time in localstorage or server-side
  • Use AJAX to submit form state and play with second player over the web
  • Pure JS implementation ( React | Left out because there is no reason for it other than to have a dynamic game )

Timeline of work:

Area Time Taken
HTML: 0.5 hrs
Javascript: 1 hr
Assets: 1.5 hrs
CSS: 2.5 hrs
Total: 5.5 hrs