
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Elsa POC

This repository contains the source code of a proof of concept on how to build an EDI software using Elsa

Table of Contents


To setup this project on your personal computer, make sure your computer meets the following requirements.

Follow the link of each requirements to install that on your computer


Clone the project

After installing the requirements, simply clone the project from devops repository

PM> git clone https://github.com/Kemsty2/GaryPoc.git

Start keycloak with docker

PM> docker run -d -p 3125:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/elsa-realm.json -v ./elsa-realm.json:/tmp/elsa-realm.json jboss/keycloak

Start Elsa Dashboard

Navigate through the project folder and type the following command

PM> cd ElsaDesigner\elsa-workflows-studio
PM> npm install

After the npm package is successfully install, type the following command

PM> npm start

This command will start the dashboard and navigate to https://localhost:3125 to access it.

Connect to the dashboard using the following credential

  • username: user_test
  • password: user_test

Start ElsaEdiBackend

Navigate through the project folder and type the following command

PM> cd ElsaEdiBackend\ElsaEdiBackend
PM> dotnet restore

After the nuget package is successfully restored, type the following command

PM> dotnet run

This command will start the backend and you can access the swagger by navigating to https://localhost:7193/swagger.

You can test the swagger by using the following credential

  • username: user_test
  • password: user_test

Start ProcessEndpoint

Navigate through the project folder and type the following command

PM> cd ProcessEndpoint\ProcessEndpoint
PM> dotnet restore

After the nuget package is successfully restored, type the following command

PM> dotnet run

This command will start the backend and you can access the swagger by navigating to https://localhost:7058.

You can test the swagger by using the following credential

  • username: user_test
  • password: user_test