This repository contains the source code of a proof of concept on how to build an EDI software using Elsa
To setup this project on your personal computer, make sure your computer meets the following requirements.
- Visual Studio 2022 or VsCode
- .Net 6 SDK and Runtine
- Firefox or Google Chrome Navigator
- Install Docker and Docker Compose
Follow the link of each requirements to install that on your computer
After installing the requirements, simply clone the project from devops repository
PM> git clone
PM> docker run -d -p 3125:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/elsa-realm.json -v ./elsa-realm.json:/tmp/elsa-realm.json jboss/keycloak
Navigate through the project folder and type the following command
PM> cd ElsaDesigner\elsa-workflows-studio
PM> npm install
After the npm package is successfully install, type the following command
PM> npm start
This command will start the dashboard and navigate to https://localhost:3125 to access it.
Connect to the dashboard using the following credential
- username: user_test
- password: user_test
Navigate through the project folder and type the following command
PM> cd ElsaEdiBackend\ElsaEdiBackend
PM> dotnet restore
After the nuget package is successfully restored, type the following command
PM> dotnet run
This command will start the backend and you can access the swagger by navigating to https://localhost:7193/swagger.
You can test the swagger by using the following credential
- username: user_test
- password: user_test
Navigate through the project folder and type the following command
PM> cd ProcessEndpoint\ProcessEndpoint
PM> dotnet restore
After the nuget package is successfully restored, type the following command
PM> dotnet run
This command will start the backend and you can access the swagger by navigating to https://localhost:7058.
You can test the swagger by using the following credential
- username: user_test
- password: user_test