
content for Udacity's cloud developer nanodegree

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Udagram Deployment Using Kubernetes and Docker-Compose

Udagram is a cloud based application build along the Cloud Developer For Enterprise NanoDegree. It allow user to :

  • Sign in and Connect to a web based application.
  • Post Picture with Caption to S3 Bucket
  • Process Picture using Image Filtering build alongside

Getting Started


Cloud Service

Performance Tool and DevOps Tools

Kubernetes Lifecycle Management Tools

  • Kubeone - Lifecycle management tools for HA k8s Cluster

IaAs Tools

  • Terraform - Open Source IaAs Software Tools

Container Management Tools

  • Docker - Open Source container management tools
  • Docker-compose - Open source container orchestration tools


To deploy this app on a cluster kubernetes, you need to have an :

Setup the project

Clone the application

git clone https://github.com/Kemsty2/cloud-developer.git

Create a S3 Bucket

After cloning the application, go to here, to create S3 Bucket.
.The application uses an S3 bucket to store the images so an AWS S3 Bucket needs to be created. Follow the steps of this article to create the bucket.


Save the following policy in the Bucket policy editor:

 "Version": "2012-10-17",
 "Id": "Policy1565786082197",
 "Statement": [
    "Sid": "Stmt1565786073670",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": {
    "AWS": "__YOUR_USER_ARN__"
 "Action": [
 "Resource": "__YOUR_BUCKET_ARN__/*"

NB: Modify the variables __YOUR_USER_ARN__ and __YOUR_BUCKET_ARN__ by your own data.

CORS Configuration

Save the following configuration in the CORS configuration Editor:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

Create RDS Instance

The application uses an RDS Postgres Instance to persist the data of the application. Follow the steps of this article to create a rds postgres database.

NB : Make sure your rds database has public access

Create Iam User

For demo use you can use the administrator iam user. To create IAM user, follow the step of this article.

Deploy Udagram

Setup Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster

Create the infrastructure using Terraform

  1. Go to infrastructure folder
cd course-03/exercices/udacity-deployment/infrastructure
  1. Run the command above to download additional plugin, for Terraform to handle aws provider

    terraform init
  2. In the infrastructure folder modify the file and add your own paramater

    cluster_name = "demo"
    aws_region = "__YOUR_DEFAULT_AWS_REGION"
    worker_os = "ubuntu"
    ssh_public_key_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
  3. Now that you configured Terraform you can use the plan command to see what changes will be made:

    terraform apply
  4. Finally, if you agree with changes you can proceed and provision the infrastructure:

    terraform apply

    Shortly after you'll be asked to enter yes to confirm your intention to provision the infrastructure.
    Infrastructure provisioning takes around 5 minutes.

Installing Kubernetes

  1. Run the command above to create config.yaml file, which contains the reference configuration of version 1.14.1 of Kubernetes.

    kubeone config print > config.yaml

    Open the config.yaml file and remplace the version by 1.16.1

     apiVersion: kubeone.io/v1alpha1
     kind: KubeOneCluster
         kubernetes: '1.16.1'
         name: 'aws'
  2. Installing Kubernetes by running this command

    kubeone install config.yaml --tfjson .
  3. he installation process takes some time, usually 5-10 minutes. The output should look like the following one:

    time="11:59:19 UTC" level=info msg="Installing prerequisites…"
    time="11:59:20 UTC" level=info msg="Determine operating system…" node=
    time="11:59:20 UTC" level=info msg="Determine operating system…" node=
    time="11:59:20 UTC" level=info msg="Determine operating system…" node=
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Determine hostname…" node=
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Creating environment file…" node=
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Installing kubeadm…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Determine hostname…" node=
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Creating environment file…" node=
    time="11:59:21 UTC" level=info msg="Installing kubeadm…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="11:59:22 UTC" level=info msg="Determine hostname…" node=
    time="11:59:22 UTC" level=info msg="Creating environment file…" node=
    time="11:59:22 UTC" level=info msg="Installing kubeadm…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="11:59:59 UTC" level=info msg="Deploying configuration files…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="12:00:03 UTC" level=info msg="Deploying configuration files…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="12:00:04 UTC" level=info msg="Deploying configuration files…" node= os=ubuntu
    time="12:00:05 UTC" level=info msg="Generating kubeadm config file…"
    time="12:00:06 UTC" level=info msg="Configuring certs and etcd on first controller…"
    time="12:00:06 UTC" level=info msg="Ensuring Certificates…" node=
    time="12:00:09 UTC" level=info msg="Generating PKI…"
    time="12:00:09 UTC" level=info msg="Running kubeadm…" node=
    time="12:00:09 UTC" level=info msg="Downloading PKI files…" node=
    time="12:00:10 UTC" level=info msg="Creating local backup…" node=
    time="12:00:10 UTC" level=info msg="Deploying PKI…"
    time="12:00:10 UTC" level=info msg="Uploading files…" node=
    time="12:00:10 UTC" level=info msg="Uploading files…" node=
    time="12:00:13 UTC" level=info msg="Configuring certs and etcd on consecutive controller…"
    time="12:00:13 UTC" level=info msg="Ensuring Certificates…" node=
    time="12:00:13 UTC" level=info msg="Ensuring Certificates…" node=
    time="12:00:15 UTC" level=info msg="Initializing Kubernetes on leader…"
    time="12:00:15 UTC" level=info msg="Running kubeadm…" node=
    time="12:01:47 UTC" level=info msg="Joining controlplane node…"
    time="12:03:01 UTC" level=info msg="Copying Kubeconfig to home directory…" node=
    time="12:03:01 UTC" level=info msg="Copying Kubeconfig to home directory…" node=
    time="12:03:01 UTC" level=info msg="Copying Kubeconfig to home directory…" node=
    time="12:03:03 UTC" level=info msg="Building Kubernetes clientset…"
    time="12:03:04 UTC" level=info msg="Applying canal CNI plugin…"
    time="12:03:06 UTC" level=info msg="Installing machine-controller…"
    time="12:03:28 UTC" level=info msg="Installing machine-controller webhooks…"
    time="12:03:28 UTC" level=info msg="Waiting for machine-controller to come up…"
    time="12:04:08 UTC" level=info msg="Creating worker machines…"
    time="12:04:10 UTC" level=info msg="Skipping Ark deployment because no backup provider was configured."

    KubeOne automatically downloads the Kubeconfig file for the cluster. It's named as <cluster_name>-kubeconfig, where <cluster_name> is the name from your configuration. You can use it with kubectl such as

    Run the command above to copy the Kubeconfig file to your .kube folder.

    mkdir ~/.kube && cp demo-config ~/.kube/config

Deploy the application

Deploy the configmaps

  1. Go to configMap folder
  2. Open env-configMap.yaml and configure the file
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: ConfigMap
         name: env-config
         URL: http://localhost:8100
  3. After that run that comant to the deploy the configmap
    kubeclt apply -f env-configMap.yaml

Deploy the secret (env-secret)

  1. Go to secrets folder
  2. Open env-secret.yaml and configure the file
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Secret
         name: env-secret
     type: Opaque
    Remplace POSTGRESS_USERNAME and POSTGRESS_PASSWORD by string value
  3. After that run that comant to the deploy the configmap
    kubeclt apply -f env-secret.yaml

Deploy the secret (aws-secret)

  1. Go to secrets folder
  2. Open env-secret.yaml and configure the file
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Secret
         name: aws-secret
     type: Opaque
         credentials: {{credentials}}
    Remplace credential by the value obtain after encode your aws credential file in base64. To do that run this command
    base64 ~/.aws/credentials
  3. After that run that comant to the deploy the configmap
    kubeclt apply -f aws-secret.yaml

Deploy the rds postgres mysql service

  1. Go to services folder
  2. Open rds-service.yaml and configure the file
     apiVersion: v1
     kind: Service
         name: mysql
         type: ExternalName
         externalName: {{POSTGRESS_HOST}
    Remplace POSTGRESS_HOST by your POSTGRES RDS Database HOST.
  3. After that run that comant to the deploy the configmap
    kubeclt apply -f rds-service.yaml

Deploy run the app

Now on this step you will deploy udagram app on Kubernetes

  1. Go to scripts folder
  2. Run the script ./deploy_dev.sh
     set -ev
     #   Create service object
     kubectl apply -f $PWD/course-03/exercises/udacity-deployment/k8s services/dev
     #   Create deployment object
     kubectl apply -f $PWD/course-03/exercises/udacity-deployment/k8s/deployments/dev
  3. After that you can run that command to see the pod in state runnnig
    kubect get pod

Configure Cloudwatch agent

To configure cloudwatch to monitore and logging the cluster follow this article


Travis CI/CD

Travis CI/CD

Pod Running

Pod Running

CloudWatch Logs

CloudWatch Logs Group CloudWatch Group 1 CloudWatch Group 2

Udagram Application

Udagram app