
This repository is about some CNN Architecture's implementations for cifar10.


I just use Keras and Tensorflow to implementate all of these CNN models.


  • Python (3.5.2)
  • Keras (2.0.6)
  • tensorflow-gpu (1.2.1)

Architectures and papers

Accuracy of all my implementations

network dropout preprocess GPU params training time accuracy(%)
Lecun-Network - meanstd GTX980TI 62k 30 min 76.27
Network-in-Network 0.5 meanstd GTX1060 0.96M 1 h 30 min 91.25
Network-in-Network_bn 0.5 meanstd GTX980TI 0.97M 2 h 20 min 91.75
Vgg19-Network 0.5 meanstd GTX980TI 45M 4 hours 93.53
Residual-Network50 - meanstd GTX980TI 1.7M 8 h 58 min 94.10
Wide-resnet 16x8 - meanstd GTX1060 11.3M 11 h 32 min 95.14
ResNeXt-4x64d - meanstd GTX1080TI 20M 22 h 50 min 95.51
DenseNet-100x12 - meanstd GTX980TI 0.85M 30 h 40 min 95.15

About ResNeXt & DenseNet

Because I don't have enough machines to train the larger networks.
So I only trained the smallest network described in the paper.
You can see the results in liuzhuang13/DenseNet and prlz77/ResNeXt.pytorch