
Alpha Release

grannysmith59 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Ken, me again, I just received this error message:

Log reports "2021.03.11 19:44:31:3463 - The keyword 'asynchronous processing' is not supported on this platform."

I was flicking through captured frames, and the error appeared when a person was detected

I'm using the latest .NET 5.04 on Server 2016, the same machine as v1.8 was running fine on.

Strange that the error message mentions C:\Onguardv2 when that's not where it's installed.

Earlier I had turned on "Use XML data", but then OnGuard crashed and I had to do a partial setup again (setup DeepStack IP, email and one camera), I was then able to turn off "Use XML data", restart, and then all of my other cameras appeared.

Also "Areas of interest" do not display when no image exists for that camera (even after taking a snapshot from Live)

Everything seems OK with the latest release, although I haven't tried the xml storage yet, I'll stick with the registry.

I thought that it copied the current settings to an xml file.

Thanks for all of your work,