
A simple flutter demo shows get widget location bug.

Generally, we can use GlobalKey and RenderBox.localToGlobal API to get location:

RenderBox renderBox = _globalKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
Offset textOffset = renderBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero);

Every thing works just fine EXCEPT you're not using flutter MethodChannel!

By adding flutter MethodChannel, the offset calculated by above API is different!

Project Explain

  • The pureflutter folder is clean flutter demo, show the RIGHT location of a widget.

Clone this project and

cd flutterlocation
flutter pub get
cd pureflutter
flutter pub get


flutter run

to run pure flutter demo.

  • The addtoapp folder is an Android project which using the top package(flutterlocation) and

register a MethodChannel. You can using Android Studio open addtoapp to run this demo.

cd flutter_module
flutter pub get

Then sync project and you can run addtoapp now.