
Build Symbol Server in New AWS VPC

  • VPC
    • public network subnet
  • SecurityGroup
  • IAM Role(SSM)
  • Elastic IP
  • EC2 Instance


How to

  1. Create AWS Account

  2. Create EC2 Key-Pair

  3. Launch Stack and click the cloud symbol “CreateStack”.


  4. Set Parameter

    Parameter Description
    Stack Name Name for this Stack
    Service Name Name of the service created by this stack.This is used as the title for all resources.
    AvailabilityZone1 AWS AvailabilityZone
    PublicLocationIP IP address that is allowed to connect to symbol-rest API(3000). This IP addresses can be defined in a range (e.g. /24)
    DefaultUnixUser The user name to use for the instance.
    KeyName EC2 KeyPair
    symbolInstanceType EC2 Instance Type
    symbolRootVolumeSize EC2 Instance root volume disk size
    symbolDataVolumeSize EC2 Instance data volume disk size
    SymbolNetwork Symbol Network
    SymbolAssembly Symbol Assembly api or peer or dual
    SymbolBootstrapVersion symbol-bootstrap version
    SymbolFriendlyName Symbol FriendlyName when empty, set random name
    SymbolCreateVotingFile Create voting file. not keylink transaction
    SymbolSuperNodeSettings Create Super Node Agent(Container api-node-agent) and Add SecurityGroup Ingress port 7880. not announce enrol transaction
  5. Fill the two check items


  6. Create Stack

    It should take about 15 minutes to complete.

  7. click the "Outputs" on the stack



Q. I want to login to the server remotely, how do I do it?

A. You can login via the session manager on AWS System Manager Service, on the AWS console screen.

Q. Where's the Symbol data?

A. You can find the data in this directory.
