
codes from Q-Kolleg 2016-17

Primary LanguageR

Name of Quantlet: Q-Kolleg2016

Description: This folder provides quantlets for Q-Kolleg 2016. Files:

  • This project consists of 2 approaches to text mining that each require multiple steps:

    1. Scraping of data from CRC 649 (01_Scraping)
    2. Converting scraped data into usable text format for R (02_PDF_to_txt)
    3. Combine text data in a corpus (03_Stem_TDM_TFIDF)
    4. Run the analyses (04_Analysis)
  • Every step depends on the outcome of the previous step, but starting points are provided for every step in form of .Rdata-files. The .Rdata-files contain the outcome of the previous step. This allows you to focus on one particular step of the process, without having to deal with preparation steps.

  • Two approaches are used to find coherent structures among the articles:

    1. Clustering of academic articles based on their abstracts
    2. Topic modeling (LDA) based on the entire article
  • Files used for approach 1 are labeled as "Abstracts_", whereas files used for approach are called "Articles_"

  • In the analysis of both approaches, the outcomes will be compared to JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) codes and project groups of the CRC 649.

Keywords: Topic modeling, R, Webscraping, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Textmining, Clustering, Wordcloud

Author: Ken Schröder, Johannes Stoiber

Submitted: 2016/11/14