
Manage notes mainly about technologies


I cannot understand and remember at once. Do not get frustrated. Take time and check notes until you no longer necessary.



  • Unnecessary to create a branch
  • Make commit after each update
  • Push periodically
  • Manage ToDo in Trello not issue in GitHub

Commit Prefixes

  • "Add": make new note
  • "Update": Addition to the note
  • "Fix": Fix error
  • "Clean": Refactor the note
  • "Finish": Finish reading the book and add the date

Commit message will look like {Prefix} {File_name} {abstract of commit details}

Note Format

Note format for books

# Book Title
Author1, Author2, & Author3. Publisher, YYYY.MM.DD.

Finish reading at: YYYY.MM.DD

###### Purpose
Why am I reading this book

## Notes