Skeleton project for Django applications.
Django version: 1.7.8
Pre configured Python/Django features:
- Advanced page and data cache examples
- Using of HTML minifiers and assets compressions
- Database optimised Model examples
- Robots.txt and dynamic generation of sitemaps
- Advanced usage of Class Based Views with custom pagination (which additionally passes all request GET parameters to view, it might be useful for custom filter)
- Data compression (with installed security debreach package)
- Localization
- Custom user authentication with user profile
- Multiple form support
- Model history and reversion (possibility to back to old versions of the model)
- Management commands for initial configuration
- Customized Django Suit based administration
- Pre configured specific folders of Django application (fixtures, media, static, etc.)
- Email subscription
- Contact and Application database
- Using thumbnail for images
- Slider
- Logging
- Switching between languages (data related and django localization)
- User password change, restore model
Pre configured 3rd party packages:
- REST Framework
- Import Export (Import and Export to and from most popular file formats such as xml, csv, etc.)
- CKEditor (also configured to support file upload)
- Django Select2 (Auto select for administration)
- Easy Thumbnails
Additional applications:
- Blog application
- Widgets
- Static pages
- Posts
- Post categories
- Slider
- Beep (simple twitter like model logic)
- Blog API
To install Django Skeleton on your machine run following commands:
Clone the project
git clone
cd django-skeleton
Create virtual environment and install requirements
virtualenv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize and run the application
cd app
python init
python runserver
"python init" command will ask you to set password for administration user.
Visit http://localhost:8000 for website, http://localhost:8000/admin for administration.
Available version for demo: 1.5
Visit Website and Admin to try Django Skeleton on demand.
Superuser login and password:
Login: admin
Password: admin
Configure following things if you are going to use this skeleton on your projects:
- Configure django sites (enter correct name and address for the site)
- Configure application settings (
- Configure robots.txt and sitemaps
- Configure social accounts' id and urls
- Configure buttons.js publisher id
- Organisation of User, Moderator and Administration parts
- Structure of blocks of Templates for User and Moderator
Licensed under GNU GPL v3.0