

Primary LanguageHTML

Primary tools used:

  • NodeJS & Express
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • AWS
    • image storage
    • hosting
    • load balancing
    • DNS resolution
  • tmux


  • git clone ...
  • npm install
  • TLS things:
    • generate key: openssl genrsa -out <name>.key 2048
    • generate cert: openssl req -new -x509 -key <name>.key -out <name>.cert -days 3650 -subj /CN=<name>

Handle images

  • resize.py resizes photos for S3
    • upload manually (currently)
  • delete.py removes photo from S3

Start server:

  • sudo KEY=<path>/<name>.key CERT=<path>/<name>.cert node server.js


  • setup QF portal for uploading images & captions
  • About Me page
  • "Get full size image" button
  • render index if /* path is used
  • add a job that will backup log files w/ scp
  • throw all this in a Docker container (w/ hopes to orchestrate multiple sites in future)
  • auto style for PHONE landscape
  • build automation

QF EDIT portal

  • json meta file in root
    • file name
    • caption
    • index
  • Python photos program
    • CRUD for photos
  • UX
    • nav bar for album
    • for each photo:
      • delete button
      • index form
      • caption form
      • save button
    • upload new photo button
    • delete all photos button


  • upload images feature:
    • offer upload form
    • server code to handle
      • save image locally
      • resize image via python script
