
a plugin for the enchant.js -- Japanese OSS HTML5 game engine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a plugin for the enchant.js -- Japanese OSS HTML5 game engine. https://github.com/wise9/enchant.js

sample code is here. http://jsdo.it/eller86/dbAH



  1. load ScrollableScene.enchant.js after you've loaded enchant.js.
  2. call enchant() to initialize engine.
  3. now you can call new ScrollableScene() at everywhere.

Methods and fields

Its interface is same as interface of enchant.Scene. Please see the below document. http://wise9.github.com/enchant.js/doc/ja/symbols/enchant.Scene.html


There are some recommended properties to specify looks of scroll bar. The class name of scroll bar, a div element, is scrollablescene_scrollbar.

  1. right or left: to specify position of scroll bar.
  2. width: to specify width of scroll bar.
  3. background-color: to specify color of scroll bar.


MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php