
Magicleaks it's a python script that checks if an email or a list of email accounts was compromised

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Project description

A python3 script for search possible email account leaks. This project is for educational use, we are not responsible for its misuse.


You can install the dependencies using the requests.txt file: pip3 install -r requirements.txt


- Firefox monitor
- Pastebin leaks
- Email reputation
- Have I Been Pwned
- Public Mail Records
- Usersearch
- Social network Search like instagram, github and more
- Thatsthem
- haveibeensold.app
- leakpeek
- PGP Public Keys search
- pwndb2am4tzkvold.onion (Using tor service)
- Avast Hack Check (Take care, this service send an email to the account checked)

Options available

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Example Magicleaks with a clean email

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Example Magicleaks with a compromised email account

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Relationship between email and people

In some cases the tool can identify people by his email account. In this cases, maybe, the tool can obtain the physical address too.

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-> In order to use tor version: you need install tor service on your system, start the service and execute the script with root privileges with -t flag.

File mode usage:

The required file needs one email account per line.


Initial support for Windows environments but this tool is make it for Linux environments.

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