
An unofficial .NET SDK for BIMFACE

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A unofficial .NET SDK for BIMFACE.

Online Docs

Since this project is currently not fully tested and may not be timely updated to the official api docs, just be cautious to use the code in production. Any issue is welcomed :)

Service list

Infrastructure service list

Service Interface Description
ILogService Service to provide logger for bimface sdk to output infos and errors.
IJsonSerializer Service to provide convert between json strings and structured objects. Json.NET is used by default.
IRestClient Service to send HTTP requests. System.Net.HttpWebRequest is used by default to send Http Message.
IHttpRequest Interface representing an HTTP request. Users can get necessary request information from this interface.
IHttpResponse Interface representing an HTTP response. Users can get necessary response information from this interface.
IResponseHandler Service to handle an HTTP response. By default the sdk converts the response to GeneralResponse

Business service list

Service Interface Description
ICompareDataService Service handling the business about compare model data
ICompareService Service handling the business about compare model
IDatabagService Service handling the business about databag
IDSLDataService Service handling the business using DSL query
IFileDataService Service handling the business about file data
IFileService Service handling the business about file
IIntegrateDataService Service handling the business about integration data
IIntegrateService Service handling the business about integration
IOfflineDatabagService Service handling the business about offline databag
IRfaService Service handling the business about rfa
IShareService Service handling the business about share link
ITranslateService Service handling the business about file translation
IViewTokenService Service handling the business about view token


All business service interface methods are asynchronized method using TAP.

Straight way:

public void Foo()
    //create a credential with the app key and secret from bimface
    var credential = new AppCredential("your app key","your app secret");
    //create the client
    var client = BimfaceClient.GetOrCreate(credential);
    //get the service you want
    var shareService = client.GetService<IShareService>();
    //create a service parameter for later invoke
    var parameter = new ListSharesParameter();
    //invoke the service method to get the result and hanle the result when responded
    shareService.ListShares(parameter).ContinueWith(task => {
        var result = task.Result;
        //get a json serializer from the client
        var jsonSerializer = client.GetService<IJsonSerializer>();

Using async / await

public async Task Bar()
    //create a credential with the app key and secret from bimface
    var credential = new AppCredential("your app key","your app secret");
    //create the client
    var client = BimfaceClient.GetOrCreate(credential);
    //get the service you want
    var shareService = client.GetService<IShareService>();
    //create a service parameter for later invoke
    var parameter = new ListSharesParameter();
    //invoke the service method to get the result and hanle the result when responded
    var result = await shareService.ListShares(parameter);
    //get a json serializer from the client
    var jsonSerializer = client.GetService<IJsonSerializer>();

Service replacement

BimfaceClient is supported by IServiceContainer.

It is possible for the user to replace the services in that container


Bimface SDK outputs all the logs to the Console by default.

User can replace the default log service with log4net.

//User implementation of ILogService using log4net
public class MyLogger : ILogService
    public void Debug(Type logType, object log)
    public void Error(Type logType, object log)
    public void Info(Type logType, object log)
    private ILog GetLoggerProvidedByLog4Net(Type type)
    	return LogManager.GetLogger(type);

public void ServiceReplace()
    //create a credential with the app key and secret from bimface
    var credential = new AppCredential("your app key","your app secret");
    //create the client
    var client = BimfaceClient.GetOrCreate(credential);
    //the default ILogService will be replace by MyLogger
    client.Singleton<ILogService, MyLogger>();
    //get the log service
    var logService = client.GetService<ILogService>();
    logService.Info(typeof(SomeType), "Hello Bimface!");

All the services can be replaced in the same way, including the infrastructure services and business services

Service Container

Bimface sdk can also be used as a service container to serve other business.

public interface IBusiness
    void Foo();

public class Business : IBusiness
	public void Foo()
    	Console.Log("Hello, Bimface!");

public class Module
    public IBusiness Business { get; set; }

public void ServiceRegister()
    //create a credential with the app key and secret from bimface
    var credential = new AppCredential("your app key","your app secret");
    //create the client
    var client = BimfaceClient.GetOrCreate(credential);
    //register the IBusiness service as a singleton using Business as implementation
    client.Singleton<IBusiness, Business>();
    //create a Module instance from the container which will automatically inject the Business property
    var module = client.CreateInstance<Module>();

Use external container

It is likely that container is used by many business systems. Bimface sdk can make use of the existing Container. The only requirement is an adapter of the container.

It's recommended to use the BimfaceClient this way because BimfaceClient will register itself to the Container after initialized. This makes it possible for the user to access BimfaceClient instance anywhere without creating an AppCredential every time.

public class Container
    //implementation of the already existing container

public class ContainerAdapter : IServiceContainer

	private Container Container { get; }
	public ContainerAdapter(Container container)
    	Container = container;
	//implementation of the IServiceContainer using the Container

public void UseExistingContainer()
    //create a credential with the app key and secret from bimface
    var credential = new AppCredential("your app key","your app secret");
    //create the client
    var client = BimfaceClient.GetOrCreate(credential, new ContainerAdapter());
    //register the IBusiness service as a singleton using Business as implementation
    client.Singleton<IBusiness, Business>();
    //get the IBusiness service instance
    var business = client.GetService<IBusiness>();

Request Plugin

Request plugins runs before any API request is about to sent out. User can define their own plugins to do extra business.

It is useful when there is a change in the bimface server side API but the sdk doesn't update in time.

The only thing is to define the plugin and make sure the assembly is referenced by the AppDomain. Bimface sdk will find it when initializing. Plugins in an assembly that is loaded at runtime (after bimface client has initialized) can also be resolved.

//in MyLibrary.dll
public class MyPlugin : IRequestPlugin
	//should be invoked before every HTTP request
	public Task HandleRequest(HttpParameter parameter, HttpRequest request)
		if(parameter is LookupFileShareParameter)
    		request.AddQuery("query name","query value");
    	return Task.CompletedTask;