
This is an application whereby that offers on time news for reference during ones available time.

Primary LanguagePython



Kennedy Karuri


This is an application whereby that offers on time news for reference during ones available time.

Live Demo

User Story

  1. A user would see various news sources on the homepage of the application.
  2. A user would also be able to select a news source and see all news articles from the selected news source in the application.
  3. A click on an article and read the full article on the source website.

Setup Installation

  • Clone the repository https://github.com/Kennedy-karuri/News-Api.git
  • To test the application python3.6 manage.py test
  • To run the application, in your terminal: $ chmod +x start.sh $ ./start.sh

Technology used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • Heroku

Contact Information

If you have any question or contributions, please email me at kennkaruri99@gmail.com


[MIT] Copyright (c) 2020 Kennedy Karuri