
Android Material BottomSheet

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android Material BottomSheet

This is the bottom sheet selection dialog for material design.


Dependency Gradle

Add below codes to your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file).

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.KennethSS:android-material-bottom-sheet:1.1.1'


Basic Example

MaterialBottomSheet(this, R.style.BottomSheetThemeLight)
  .title("Open in") // Optional
  .items(items) // List of 'BottomSheetItem'
  .setRippleEffect(true) // Default is true
  .type(BottomSheetType.LIST) // LIST, GRID
  .config(bottomSheetConfig) // Cofing Color(Optional)
  .select { index, item ->
    when(index) {
      0 -> {
        // Something else

Config Color

val config = BottomSheetConfig(
                 itemIconTintColor = Color.RED,
                 titleColor = Color.BLUE