
Catchments and water quality prediction for all Danish lakes

Primary LanguageR

Predicting water quality from geospatial lake, catchment, and buffer zone characteristics in temperate lowland lakes

Project acronym: dnk_lake_catchments

Repository containing code for the paper published in Science of the Total Environment (Martinsen & Sand-Jensen 2022):

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158090

Title: Predicting water quality from geospatial lake, catchment, and buffer zone characteristics in temperate lowland lakes

Authors: Kenneth Thorø Martinsen1,* and Kaj Sand-Jensen1

Affiliations: 1Freshwater Biological Laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 4, 3rd floor, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

*Corresponding author: Kenneth Thorø Martinsen, kenneth.martinsen@bio.ku.dk

Repository DOI: http://doi.org/10.17894/ucph.a344db4b-3d71-4a48-8293-a17b4ccf0e9d