
A Polkadot.js API + React based template for building Substrate Front Ends

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Pallet Rent Gaming Use-Case


This project demonstrates a gaming use-case using the pallet-rent pallet.

This project uses the foundations from the following projects:


This project showcases the ability to create, rent out, rent, destroy, and equip items onto a "character" using the pallet-rent pallet. Communication with the pallet-rent pallet is done by using the substrate-front-end-template modules which provide easy-to-use interfaces to connect with Substrate nodes and your Polkadot wallet.


The project requires Yarn to be installed.


To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

Copy code
git clone https://github.com/ok-Alice/nft-on-rent-ui.git
cd nft-on-rent-ui
yarn install

You can start the project in development mode to connect to a locally running node:

yarn start

To build the production version of the project, run:

yarn build

and open build/index.html in your favorite browser.

Run the project through a docker container

Build container:

docker build -t pallet-rent-character-loadout -f .docker/Dockerfile .

Run container exposing its port 80 to local port 8000 (change to your liking)

docker run -d -p 8000:80 pallet-rent-character-loadout


The template's configuration is stored in the src/config directory, with common.json being loaded first, then the environment-specific json file, and finally environment variables, with precedence.

  • development.json affects the development environment
  • test.json affects the test environment, triggered in yarn test command.
  • production.json affects the production environment, triggered in yarn build command.

Some environment variables are read and integrated in the template config object, including:


More on React environment variables.

When writing and deploying your own front end, you should configure:

  • PROVIDER_SOCKET in src/config/production.json pointing to your own deployed node.

Specifying Connecting WebSocket

There are two ways to specify it:

  • With PROVIDER_SOCKET in {common, development, production}.json.
  • With rpc=<ws or wss connection> query parameter after the URL. This overrides the above setting.

Reusable Components

useSubstrate Custom Hook

The custom hook useSubstrate() provides access to the Polkadot js API and thus the keyring and the blockchain itself. Specifically it exposes this API.

  setCurrentAccount: func(acct) {...}
  state: {
  • socket - The remote provider socket it is connecting to.
  • keyring - A keyring of accounts available to the user.
  • keyringState - One of "READY" or "ERROR" states. keyring is valid only when keyringState === "READY".
  • api - The remote api to the connected node.
  • apiState - One of "CONNECTING", "READY", or "ERROR" states. api is valid only when apiState === "READY".
  • currentAccount - The current selected account pair in the application context.
  • setCurrentAccount - Function to update the currentAccount value in the application context.

If you are only interested in reading the state, there is a shorthand useSubstrateState() just to retrieve the state.

Account Selector

The Account Selector provides the user with a unified way to select their account from a keyring. If the Balances module is installed in the runtime, it also displays the user's token balance. It is included in the template already.


This project was created by Kenneth Verbeure.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.