

SailUpon was created as a final project during my time at the App Academy in 2014. SailUpon was built as a clone of the site StumbleUpon, using that site as a guideline for functionality and styling. SailUpon uses a Ruby on Rails back-end with a Backbone.js front-end. Once you are logged in, the site acts as a single page using the Backbone framework to update the page's content.

Once you have signed up (or signed in as a guest user), you are able to choose which interests you would like to Sail to. You can also view some statistics about your profile. When you are ready, you can begin Sailing by pressing the Sail button. This will take you to one of the curated sites that matches the interests you have chosen.

Enjoy, and feel free to submit new sites to Sail to.

SailUpon incorporates the following tools:

