
Card data used by The Iron Throne / throneteki.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Card data used by The Iron Throne / throneteki. Each JSON file in the packs directory should correspond to a pack or expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game 2nd Edition. Initial data set pulled from https://github.com/Alsciende/thronesdb-json-data

Getting started

npm install


To validate all card data against the schema, run:

npm test

Importing from CGDB

Once the pack data is available on CGDB, it can be imported to the throneteki-json-data format by running:

npm run import-cgdb packs/packFileName.json cycleCode
# Example: npm run import-cgdb packs/SoD.json 10

The local pack file must already exist - the import script uses the the cgdbId field in the pack data to look up the corresponding data on CGDB. After the import is complete, close review of the text field for cards may be necessary as the CGDB format is a bit more loose than what is used here and on ThronesDB.

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