
error in conda env create -f phavip.yml -n phavip

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The Python version of my virtual environment is 3.8,the R version is 4.3.1。
When I downloaded the R package separately, an error was reported as follows:


First of all, the env is not allowed to be installed seperately. The are the r-script in conda and the version should be consist with other package in the env.

And it seems there is an error when install the yml. Several options for handling the problem.

  1. reinstall a miniconda (99% solve your problen)
  2. deactivate your env frist, then add a channel for mainland china and reinstall again.
  3. create a new env and install the required package listed in yml one by one.

But what you should not do is DO NOT directly install the r package in your deephost r env. lots of bugs may occur.


I want to retrain the model, but it's stuck here. I checked the model and it's fine. I don't know where the problem lies

Sorry, I do not know that either.

Should be a problem caused by your device (GPU) I suppose. You can try to turn off the GPU setup and try only the CPU first.

Or maybe you can use a small demo dataset for debugging.
