
This the our EECS 504 final project for image Deblur.

Primary LanguagePython


This the our EECS 504 final project for image Deblur.

Code description

  • Calculate_opticalflow.py: This file mainly constructed some functions for bidirectional optical flow calculation and the dataset preprocessing on optical flow.
  • Dataset_preprocess.py: This file defines the Pytorch dataset class and the pre-process procedures, including data augmentations, tensor object forming and saving. The data augmentation included cropping, shifting, rotation and flipping.
  • dataset.py: This file is abandoned
  • loss.py: This file constructed three main loss we used in the model. Loss 1 defines the pixel loss. Loss 2 defines the perceptual loss. Loss 3 defines the position loss.
  • model.py: This file defines the model in Net class and the network blocks.
  • trainer.py: This file defines a trainer which contains all the training, evaluation, model saving and reporting.
  • util.py: This file defines some utility functions and global variables used across through the repo.


  • Tianrong Zhang, Shukai Fan: Build Net (change the DeformConvBlock conv behaviour)
  • Chengzhi Peng: Loss function 1-3 initial version (by end of 05/12)
  • Sheng Shen: Work on dataset (dataloader 06/12)
  • Next meeting: 05/12 (Sat) 10:00 AM +8


  • Tianrong Zhang, Shukai Fan: Trainer (Fan), utils functions in Net (save/load checkpoints) (09/12)
  • Chengzhi Peng: Loss function 1-3, check
  • Shang Shen: Work on dataset
  • Next meeting: 07/12 (Mon) 10:00 AM +8


  • Tianrong Zhang: Change DeformConvBlock conv behaviour (3N -> 2N + 64)
  • Chengzhi Peng: Loss 3, input 2N & chop input pic/sampling points
  • Shang Shen: Data augmentation (optional)
  • Shukai Fan: Trainer
  • Next meeting: 09/12 (Wed) 10:00 AM +8 (runable model)